Welcome to Clarkston, Michigan

- where small-town charm meets modern living!

Rotary Club of Clarkston

Rotary Club of Clarkston

Family, Community and Civic OrganizationsNon-Profit Organizations

About Us

The Clarkston Rotary club was founded in 1940. The Rotary club is proud to call attention to all it's done. In its 70 year history the club has participated in the efforts to eradicate polio worldwide, co-sponsored a Rotary club in Kiev, provided eye glasses to needy people in Grenada and Peru, brought clean water to Nigeria and Haiti, sent packages to servicemen, and sponsored youth exchange students who wish to spend a year abroad. Locally the club decorates downtown for the holidays, provides a barbecue for the families of students at SCAMP, awards scholarships at both high schools, provides shoes and boots for area children, sponsored a water feature at the spray park. Many trees and scoreboards stand as reminders of projects carried out by the Clarkston Rotary club.

Video Media



Club Outing
Past & Current President
Shoes for Kids
Jeff & Mary on Kenya Mission Trip
Club Service Project
Rotary Club of Clarkston